Saturday, late afternoon, Carmel Valley. Background jazz (Martin Headman — don't think that you'd know him, a local). Weather perfect now, after morning fog and some midday scuttling confusion. Soft breeze, sun. Evening plans set: local bistro, just about reachable down the hill in neutral from our place. All caught up on last week's work. […]
Never Again…
I was on a plane, third in the queue for take-off to the northeast from Laguardia Airport, when the second tower was hit. From my window seat on the right side, I had a straight line of sight view to downtown Manhattan, and the resulting explosion. Just a moment later, our captain came on the […]
Sometime around 1988 or so my boss at the time, and then president of the company, Ray Martino, decided that he needed to bring in a seasoned sales and marketing leader to help take Symbol to the next level. We were just about to pass the $100 million revenue threshold, one of those milestones whose […]
Prelude to a Story
In late May of 1978, the day following my graduation from The State University of NY at Stony Brook, I joined a start-up company called Symbol Technologies, as its fifth employee. I learned only later that, as of that first day on the job, Symbol had negative revenues for the year — the result of […]
Who Goes There?
I built this site (in 2004) around the idea that the conventional divisions between professional and personal life are artificial. They don't reflect how we live, work, and play today.
I don't shut down my professional responsibilities (with rare exceptions) on evenings, weekends, or holidays. Our competitive environment doesn't permit that, and I'd get bored.
Further, it occurs to me that if you are interested in doing business with me somehow, you should be interested in Rich Bravman, the person.
So, whether you're an entrepreneur looking for specific ideas on how to put your vision into practice, an investor looking for an experienced advisor or board member, a friend, colleague, or simply someone curious about what a fellow human thinks... Welcome!
Warning: eccentricities lie ahead in these pages. (Even at this late date in 2023, I like it that way.)
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