Scene in Milano

Ellie, her cousin Ida, Ida's husband Edo and… a giant planter in the form of a Fiat. Perfectly normal for a Saturday in Milano, from what I'm led to believe.

Alternate Perspectives

In an earlier post, I suggested that it's important sometimes to focus on the "half full" aspect of "your glass" and other times on its "half empty" portion. Here, a few related words on telescopes… When thinking about a business challenge, and making related plans and decisions, I believe it's valuable to force yourself to […]

Half Full, or Half Empty? It Depends…

The product manager presenting his case for approval of phase gate passage on a new product development project was pitching the merits of the prospective new offering for all he was worth. If they believed the slam dunk advantages it would offer versus their pathetic alternatives, our competition would have no choice but to fold […]

Mental Toughness

Jeter is adept at reducing the clutter that often engulfs players, especially perennial All- Stars who play in major markets like New York. He is a master at keeping things simple in his world. He is strong-willed enough to disregard things that do not concern him or to wait to address them until they do […]

Who Goes There?


I built this site (in 2004) around the idea that the conventional divisions between professional and personal life are artificial. They don't reflect how we live, work, and play today.

I don't shut down my professional responsibilities (with rare exceptions) on evenings, weekends, or holidays. Our competitive environment doesn't permit that, and I'd get bored.

Further, it occurs to me that if you are interested in doing business with me somehow, you should be interested in Rich Bravman, the person.

So, whether you're an entrepreneur looking for specific ideas on how to put your vision into practice, an investor looking for an experienced advisor or board member, a friend, colleague, or simply someone curious about what a fellow human thinks... Welcome!

Warning: eccentricities lie ahead in these pages. (Even at this late date in 2023, I like it that way.)

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Richard's books

We Can All Do Better
4 of 5 stars
Read this and regain at least a modicum of faith in the presence of wisdom among the leadership class in this world. Unfortunately, Bradley is past his impact moment, and his exemplar of a new way forward ("Americans Elect") foun...