Foggy Morning, Vintage Gardel

One rainy day in Maui, not very long ago, I found myself huddled (in Hawaii… huddled?) in a pool side cabana, reading Jimmy Buffett's A Salty Piece of Land. At one point in the story his character is entertained on an old sailboat, captained by a woman of similar vintage. Over and over she played […]

A Birthday Wish

On a Tuesday morning, around seven AM, in the middle of the fourth month of 1955, a boy was born. None could know it then, but life's greatest gifts would, over the course of the next half century and then some, be bestowed on him… A family that loves without condition and that nurtures, comforts […]

Fishing Boats, Car People, and Creative Fiscal Measures

They start arriving an hour or so after sunrise, to a place where fisherman gather well earlier still. But their interest lies not in boats and tackle. They are car people, drawn to this place by the love of fast, exotic, beautiful or otherwise interesting machines, and by the others who share their passion. Some […]

Watchman’s Rattle?

I read an interesting, if a bit quirky, little book a short time back called "The Watchman's Rattle," whose premise is that over the history of our species, societies tend to grow in scale and sophistication… to the point of inevitable collapse, as a result of our mind's inability to cope with the resulting non-linear […]

Who Goes There?


I built this site (in 2004) around the idea that the conventional divisions between professional and personal life are artificial. They don't reflect how we live, work, and play today.

I don't shut down my professional responsibilities (with rare exceptions) on evenings, weekends, or holidays. Our competitive environment doesn't permit that, and I'd get bored.

Further, it occurs to me that if you are interested in doing business with me somehow, you should be interested in Rich Bravman, the person.

So, whether you're an entrepreneur looking for specific ideas on how to put your vision into practice, an investor looking for an experienced advisor or board member, a friend, colleague, or simply someone curious about what a fellow human thinks... Welcome!

Warning: eccentricities lie ahead in these pages. (Even at this late date in 2023, I like it that way.)

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Richard's books

We Can All Do Better
4 of 5 stars
Read this and regain at least a modicum of faith in the presence of wisdom among the leadership class in this world. Unfortunately, Bradley is past his impact moment, and his exemplar of a new way forward ("Americans Elect") foun...